Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spot on and Funny Too

I came across this response to the outrageous ad put together by NOM trolling the blogsphere last night. There were some other parodies of the ad that had me laughing out loud, but this one was spot on.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Enjoy the Silence

At the Université de Reims, somewhere on campus, there was a theatre where they played videos and news feeds. I can't remember where it was on campus, how or when we discovered it, what hours it may have been open. I really don't remember how the campus was laid out at all, where our classes were, where the café was where the sullen French ladies served us intense little café crèmes and chaussons pommes for our pause café while Mme. Paquot took her strength (smoked her cigarette). I do believe it was in fact me who was there...

I do remember that Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence video was on rotation, and Mr. Gahan walking around in his silly robe with the beach chair.